Viola Enluarada

July 27, 2009

I recently came upon a life-changing idea and became deeply engrossed in the beauty and depth of the text and music of a song “Viola enluarada” composed by Marcos Valle and his brother Paulo Sérgio Valle.

In Brazil viola refers to the acoustic guitar. Violas are used for serenades, to accompany songs at parties, and other musical occasions. It is part of the soul of Brazil and contributes in unique ways to the musical culture. Viola enluarada was composed in the 60s in the context of Bossa Nova but transcends the genre to become a classic statement of the human spirit. Enluarada has no real English equivalent but means “moonlightened.”

Bathed in moonlight we can see the world differently, intuiting that the challenges of life are not as sharply etched as we might think. Love, music, liberty, life and death embrace us in the breath of a single moment. Listening to this recording brings a rebirth and renaissance as we realize that no matter what we face, the freedom of the human spirit triumphs over all the claims of power and destruction. This has been the experience of the Brazilians, and the rise of Capoeira (martial art, dance, and music) as a response to slavery and brutality, attests to the resiliency of a people who have suffered much adversity and yet remain full of hope, as well as being among the most innately musical beings of our species.

Here is a literal translation of the Portuguese. The texture and resonance of the words are inseparable from the music, and Marcos Valle’s phrasing will astonish you with its subtlety and sensitive stretching of time that lives in counterpoint to a simple but eloquent harmonic commentary.

The version that never fails to bring tears to my eyes is Marcos Valle from Bossa Entre Amigos.…so simple and elegant, his phrasing is impeccable.

a mão que toca o violão

In the hand that plays the guitar

Se for preciso faz a guerra

if needed [(it) notes the war

Mata o mundo, fere a terra

kills the world, hurts the earth

Na voz que canta uma canção

In the voice that sings a song,

Se for preciso canta o hino

if needed, (it) sings the anthem,

Louva à morte

praises death

No sertão é como espada

in the countryside, it’s like a sword,

Viola e noite enluarada

moonlight viola, moonlight night

Esperança de vingança

hope of revenge.

No mesmo pé que dança o samba

In the same foot that dances the samba

Se preciso vai à luta

if needed, (it) goes to fight



Quem tem de noite a companheira

(the one) who lies, at night, his companion (fem.)

Sabe que a paz é passageira

knows that peace is transitory

Prá defendê-la se levanta

To defend her (peace/companion)

E grita: Eu vou!

(it) stands up and shouts: I go (I will)

Mão, violão, canção, espada

Hand, Guitar, Song, Sword

E viola enluarada

and Moonlightened Viola

Pelo campo, e cidade

through the country-side and the city

Porta bandeira, capoeira

Porta bandeira, capoeira

Desfilando vão cantando

in the parade (refers to carnival) they sing



Liberdade, liberdade…

Freedom, Freedom